@BloomsburyBaptistFeb 10
'The centurion’s faith was active—it sought healing, it worked for the good of another, it moved beyond words to action. Likewise, our commitment to racial justice must be more than a matter of reflection.' - Simon Woodman
About Us
Our mission is to discern God’s loving and inclusive will:
we nurture faith and build community,
we confront injustice, create sanctuary, and deepen relationships.
[Read a commentary on our Mission Statement]
Provoking faith in the heart of London.
[Read a commentary on our Vision Statement]
We strive to be:
Radically Christ-centred, proactively inclusive, empowering with justice;
dissenting yet faithful, thoughtful and reflective, relevant and outward looking;
diverse yet focussed, courageous and loving, hospitable and generous;
imaginative and risk-taking.
[Read a commentary on our Values Statement]
Leaves = Mission Statement (Active)
Trunk = Vision Statement (Strong)
Roots = Values Statement (Deep)
and online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/215699933
Webinar ID: 215 699 933
Catch up on previous services via our YouTube Playlist